Tule Ponds at Tyson

In 1998, the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District undertook the Tule Ponds Project, developing a wetlands-based storm water treatment system at Tyson Lagoon, a 17-acre site in Fremont. The project excavated a seasonal water-filled depression on the east side of Tyson Lagoon, and constructed three ponds. The ponds were connected by a channel and designed to filter water as it flows from the urban watershed drains into the ponds.

As a result of the Tule Ponds Project, the site is unique in having both a natural and constructed wetland combined into a single ecosystem. The site serves as a wildlife sanctuary to the many animals and plants that reside in this area.

Island on Pond C of the Tule Ponds, a constructed wetland

Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon Wetland Center

The Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon Wetland Center was first conceived by Richard Wetzig, a retired Engineer-Scientist from the Alameda County Public Works Agency. His vision was to provide a place for teachers to educate students about the importance of stormwater in the overall health of the watersheds of the San Francisco Bay. Mr. Wetzig was involved in the first biological treatment of stormwater in California called the Demonstration Urban Storm Treatment (DUST) Marsh in Crandall Creek in Fremont.

In 2002 work began on a classroom building to facilitate an educational program aimed at studying the effects of contaminants on wetland biota. The Math/Science Nucleus, a non profit organization, is the lead educational agency conducting educational tours, teacher workshops, and research at the site.