Materials K-6          

How to get materials to match the curriculum


Science without materials is like rain without water. It is touching, feeling, smelling, and exploring that is the essence of science. Children learn science by researching, exploring and experimenting.

On each of the lesson plans there is a "materials listing." This helps you determine what you need to perform the task. Lesson plans can be customized to materials that a school has access. Purchasing non-consumable products enriches a program because you are assured the materials will be there every year.

This guide can help schools get an idea of how to arrange and obtain materials. This guide is to help schools organize materials that it already owns and incorporate it into science content that helps conceptual understanding of science. Teaching science is more effective when teachers understand how science fits into a child's development. All labs have been tested with children for over 10 years and reflect a different approach in teaching science.

Materials you need to purchase

Materials to ask for

Materials to make

Coordination of Science Materials

Scheduling of Science Materials

The Student Workbook - Using Science Materials
