Creating a Trail along Tyson Lagoon (near Pond C)

Vishwas Nawal
Troop 449 , Fremont

My Eagle Project involved restoring a trail that was covered with dead trees and bushes. The trail was approximately 100 feet long and required some serious lumber work on it. When all the trees were cut down and dead bushes were cleared from the trail, scouts filled the trash bin with most of the trees and dead bushes. The remaining trees that we cut down were cut into smaller logs to outline the trail, and some of the dead bushes were placed on side of the trail as "mulch".

   area before starting cutting and removing
I would like to thank the scouts who showed up from my troop. The scouts were Joshua, Justin, John, Gavin, and Abeer. I would also like to thank my friends Jason and Khoi for showing up to my project. I would also like to thank my parents, Mr. Suvatne, and especially Mr. Leroy who generously allowed me to borrow his tools for my project.  Last but not least I would also like to thank Dr. Blueford who gave me an opportunity to work on this wonderful project.
                    clearing trail finished trail


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