Building Planter Boxes behind Bird Blind
Dominic Xavier
Troop 176, Fremont

My Eagle Project consisted of building two planter boxes near Bird Blind at Tule Ponds. To begin, I presented the project to my troop committee and received approval. When revisiting the original location near Station 6 with Dr. Blueford, we concluded that the worksite was too overgrown and waterlogged to accommodate the planter boxes and decided to shift the location further down the path near Bird Blind. The Home Depot (Newark) generously donated the needed materials (wood and lag screws). I gathered some tools and necessary ppe from home and along with tools and equipment supplied by Tule Ponds, we were able to start work. On the first work day, the initial steps included clearing the area of thistles and weeds. Next we dug post holes and prepared the area for the boxes. I was able to cut the wood to size at home and on the second day of work, we built the boxes, placed them into the holes and made sure they were level. We then secured a sheet of weed barrier fabric and proceeded to fill them in with mulch provided by Tule Ponds. We covered the surrounding area with tan bark (also provided by Tule Ponds).

   area before starting clearing area
Tule Ponds was a great place to complete my Eagle Project, the staff is knowledgeable and supportive of BSA programs.  I'd like to thank all who helped me with this project, and especially Dr. Blueford and Mr. Rommel.  Dr. Blueford helped me to identify a project, provided suggestions about the materials to use and supplied many of the tools needed to complete the project.  My Scoutmaster Mr. Rommel was also very helful as I worked through the planning stages of the project and through the completion of the project.  Friends who helped me on site included:  Chris R. Ashvath  K, Khang D., Sattvik K, Andrew E.,  Adam G., and Sophia S.  Parents who contributed their time and guidance included Mr. Rommel (Scoutmaster), Mr. Kurani, and my dad.
                                                   placement of  planters finished retainer with  view of Tyson Lagoon

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