Natural Retaining walls with landscaping facing west to Pond B
Augustine Doan
Troop 101, Fremont

Recent rainy weather in the East Bay has caused soil to saturate and erode. My Eagle project aimed to prevent and slow down these processes. With the help of others, I gathered 40-50 varying sized logs from around Tule Ponds. The logs were placed in half circle trenches dug into the sides of slopes facing West to Pond B. I came out to work on the project a total of 4 times in the span of 3 months, with long periods in between due to bad weather.

Many thanks to: Francis Doan, Landon Nguyen, Lee Nguyen and especially to Dr. Blueford for approving the project

placing logs to create terraces

one of finished log terrace
creating more log terrances  backfilling with mulch


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