Planter boxes in Butterfly Meadow

Hsien-Chang Chiu
Troop 468, San Jose

For my Eagle Project, I led a small group of scouts from my Troop to construct four Gardening Planters. First, I gather the materials needed for the project, and proceed to sand down all the wood planks & wood posts. Then me and my scouts start to paint the wood posts & planks into the corresponding color. After the paint dried we began to assemble the planters, screwing them together. Finally, we cleared out an area, and dug holes for the planters to go into.

   selecting wood painting sides

I would like to thank everyone who helped me work on my Eagle Project: Howard Chou, Weiting Yen, Neil Tsai, Matthew Chen, Ethan Chen, Evan Tung, TingLiang Wu, Calvin Chang, Benjamin Huang, and Christopher Huang as well as Mr.Yen, Mr.Tsai, and my parents. I would also like to thank Dr.Blueford for giving me an opportunity to work on this amazing project.
                                          finish painting sanding wood


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