Erecting a Greenhouse at Tule Pond
by Chris Hu
Troop 468

The goal of this project is to construct a functional greenhouse and a tool shed in Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon in Fremont, CA. The project will require extensive planning and labor.  This service project will fulfill the Eagle requirement number 5 of doing a service project that helps the community. This project allows students to have an educational experience in gardening and to also replenish Tule Ponds with plants native to Fremont. The area in which the greenhouse and tool shed will be built is a flat dirt area covered with a thin layer of gravel.

Although Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon is already active as an educational facility, it is still in the development of restoring much of its native plants. The PGE Safetree program has granted enough funding to build a greenhouse along with a tool shed in an open area.

Thanks to the following helpers who helped me install the unit:

(Students) Howard Gan, Justin Chen, Max Zhang, Ben Chang, Thomas Hui, Winsor Chen, Yuchen Zhou, Gary Tao, Harrison Liu, David Wang, Justin Hsu, Jonathon Ting, Eric Wen, Jaime Lai, Timothy Ho, Edward Wu, Daniel Cheng, Harold Juang, Tony Lee, Kenny Chan, Chris Tam, Eric Wei, Neil Chao, Jeff Huang, Fred Kang

(Adults) Ching Hu, Terry Tam, Llen Tam, Sui-Kwong Sung, Larry Hsu