Water Cycle 
to review 8 week unit

1. Four liquids were poured in a beaker. The layered as in the diagram below. Which layer is the most dense?

A. 4
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1

2. You can see at the bottom of the oceans:

A. mountains
B. valleys
C. plains
D. all of the above

3. The two elements that make up water are:

A. hydrogen and oxygen
B. helium and oxygen
C. hydrogen and helium
D. helium and argon

4. If you pour salad oil on water it will float. Why does this happen?

A. water is less dense than oil
B. oil is less dense than water
C. water and oil are the same density
D. oil is denser than water

5. Air pollution is caused by:

A. burning substances that are harmful to organisms
B. evaporating water
C. breathing
D. trees

6. The clouds are puffy and white. It looks like:

A. rain
B. good weather
C. snow
D. hail

7. The clouds are dark and puffy. It looks like:

A. rain
B. good weather
C. drought
D. sun

8. Cirrus clouds refers to clouds that are:

A. low
B. medium
C. high
D. none of these

9. Weather usually occurs in the:

A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Ionosphere

10. The higher you go in the atmosphere the:

A. more clouds you see
B. more ducks you see
C. less oxygen there is
D. more airplanes you see

11. The most abundant gas in the lower part of our atmosphere is:

A. oxygen
B. helium
C. hydrogen
D. nitrogen

12. The San Francisco Estuarine System is made of three bays. Which of the following is not part of this system?

A. San Francisco Bay
B. Suisun Bay
C. New York Harbor
D. San Pablo Bay

13. Draw the direction of the water cycle. Include in your diagram the following: precipitation, evaporation, condensation, rivers, lakes, and groundwater.






ANSWERS: 1.(A); 2.(D); 3.(A); 4.(B); 5.(A); 6.(B); 7.(A); 8.(C); 9.(A); 10.(C); 11.(D); 12.(C)

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