Life Cycle - Natural Environment (5A)
Post Lab 

  • Plotting the location of coral reefs on a world map.
  • Discussing the requirements of corals.
  • environment
  • requirement
  • World Placemats
  • Hydrographic Globe or bathymetric map

Students use information to determine worldwide occurrences of coral. 


A coral's living requirements can help one predict where large numbers of coral may live in the world.  They need shallow water that is clean (sediment free) and prefer warm water.  Using these requirements have students look on a map and predict where corals live. 

  1. Go over with students where warm ocean currents may occur on the World Placemats.  Warm water would be found around the equator especially.
  2. If you have a Hydrographic Globe, have students identify shallow areas.  This would be around the Carribean, Australia, Bering Sea, Arctic Sea and Mediterranean to name a few.  
  3. See if students can locate sediment free area.  A clue would be that no large rivers would be close.  
  4. If students can find these three parameters, then they should be able to predict where corals live.  Remember, that there may be submerged islands that can also be good for coral growth
    Bering Sea and Arctic Sea are too cold; Mediterranean is too polluted.  The Pacific and Atlantic both have shallow areas. 

The map below delineates areas that have large coral reefs. 

Shaded areas are where coral reefs are presently found. 

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