Applied Science - Science and Math (1C)
Post Lab 

  • Investigating the senses of taste and smell.
  • Exploring the sense of hearing.
  • hear
  • sense
  • smell
  • taste
  • small keyboard with different pitches
  • blocks make noise
  • blindfold
  • small bottles containing items to smell (i.e. cinnamon, mint, small cubes of raw potato, pear, apple, onion, jellybeans)

Students identify smells and sounds.


Children often do not realize how much information they can obtain with their ears. They can often identify things that make sounds, tell roughly how far away they are, and which direction they are traveling. Part of this ability comes because we have two ears; if hearing is damaged in one of them, it is often difficult to tell where a sound originates. The ability to tell the direction of travel and distance is due to the loudness of the sound compared to what we would expect if the sound were near us, as well as whether the sound is getting louder or softer, and rising or lowering in pitch.

The senses of taste and smell are closely related. If the nose is pinched closed (and eyes are closed), a child cannot tell whether he is biting into an apple or an onion. This is one reason why foods seem tasteless when we have bad colds. The sense of smell is powerful. In this exercise, children will try to identify smells to their origin and to associations it creates.

  1. Discuss the sense of hearing. Ask students what part of the body do we use to hear with and what we can find out by listening. Do we need both ears? Have children close their eyes and listen for a minute. Call names and ask what they hear. Ask them whether the sounds are loud or soft. Walk behind the children. Make a number of different noises with objects that you may have. See if they can identify them. Play different notes on the keyboard. See if the children can tell which notes are higher and which notes are lower.
  2. Have all the children sit in a large circle. Pass out several pairs of blocks or other objects. Have one child sit in the center with a blindfold on. Have different children click their objects together and the student in the center must try to determine where the sound comes from. Then have the student in the center close one ear and try to locate the sound. This is a little more difficult.
  3. Talk about taste and smell and how they are related. Pick one child for a demonstration. Blindfold the student and pinch the nose. Give the student a piece of pear, apple, potato and onion. Ask the children if they can identify them or tell the difference between them. You may want to pair the children to get them to experiment with each other. Let them try to identify the smells in the little jars that you have prepared. See if any memories, good or bad, are triggered by the smells, for example alcohol with a hospital experience, or cinnamon with baking. Review what they have done. Identify the hidden smells and sounds.

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