2019-20  Summer

 Environmental Interns

Environmental Interns is a high school program sponsored by the Math Science Nucleus and funded by Lam Research Foundation and Alameda County Flood control and Water Conservation District.   Students learn the science behind the environment and they actually get to work on restoration projects.  Projects this year centered around learning how to collect data including chemical and biological.  Students planted native narrowleaf milkweed at Masonic Home.  They learned about thermophilic composting, as well as taking care of trees and how to transplant.  They spend 33 hours in the program.  We had schools from Fremont, Union City, Hayward, Alameda, and Pleasonton represented. 

There were 11 interns and their schools include:  Faisal Ahmad, Mission San Jose HS, Jaeyeon Bae, Foothill High School, Satvir Chana, James Logan High School,Marlene Delgado, Encinal High School,  Ishant Goel, Moreau High School, Mihir Kinjawadekar, Mission San Jose High School, Kaviya Raja, Foothill High School, Ria Singhania, Foothill High School,  Sungum Sogani, Washington High School, Aalaya Wudaru, Mission San Jose High School, Lucile Zhu, Mission San Jose High School.

above: Masonic Home, working with compost
below: moving boat
above:  finished planting milkweed
below:  learning how to do biologic samplingt



June 24-28 (Mon-Fri), Location: Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon
Why Chemistry is important in restoration, Sample techniques Chemical/Biological Sampling of Tyson Lagoon

July 1,2  (Mon, Tues) Location:  Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon, Plants and Chemistry of Soil, working with plants

 July 8-12 (Mon-Fri) California Nursery Historical Park, Principles of Restoration; Natural Composting, Masonic Home; Comparing and looking at restoration projects

Instructors:  Phoebe Chen, Debbie Davidson, Art Williams, Dr. Angeline Catena, Dr. Joyce Blueford


working at California Nursery kayaking on Tyson Learning how to sample

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