Planting 15 Trees in Memory of Richard Valle

Achintya Rai
Troop 153 , Union City

On Feb 4th and 11th, 2023, multiple scouts and volunteers gathered to plant trees. On the first day 2 volunteers went down to the nursery to transport the trees up to the site. Meanwhile, the rest worked on digging holes into the ground and taking out some interfering fence posts. When the trees came back up, we unloaded the truck and started planting while another pair went down to get the rest of the trees. By the end of the first day, we had planted 7 trees. On the second day, volunteers arrived and planted the remaining trees into the ground and added mulch around the trees. By the end of the project we had transported and planted 15 trees into the ground.

   area before starting making holes for retaining wall
This project was a great effort from all the volunteers. They used teamwork and critical thinking when facing obstacles, such as getting the trees out of a pot, and removing poles from the ground. People who helped on this project include: Tanish Mudaliar, Ethan Liu, Abhilash Jai G, Vihaan Chawla, Dharshan Vetrivelan, Satyajith Kesanapally, Aashrith Morumganti and Aarush Krishnamohan. I would also like to thank Art, Rocki and my father for helping out with the project and Dr. Blueford for giving me this opportunity. 
                    spreading wood chips finished retainer with  view of Tyson Lagoon


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