Clearing Water Channel to prevent Flooding near Tule Hut
Rich Will
Troop 132, Fremont

My project consisted of removing reeds and overhanging branches, and building a berm to create an adequate storm canal.  We started by clearing about thirty feet of reeds.  That work would lay the groundwork for our second workday of constructing the berm.  The first day we all worked long and hard, and everybody came out muddy.  We got the workday finished just in time as the next couple of days rains poured and the water level rose.  Together, we worked a total of fifty hours on our first workday

The second day, we constructed the berm and cut down the overhanging branches.  We laid down thick logs and then held them in place with lots of dirt.  Water now flows more efficiently out of Tyson Lagoon.  We worked a total of sixty-one hours on the second workday.  All the work was done manually except for using a chain saw to cut down branches.

Removal of reeds with platform

Assembly Line

I’d like to offer a special thanks to my entire work party (Brett Breitzman, Bharath Gunasekavan, Arun Arunachalam, Connor Fiatal, Albert Huang, Darien Young, Michael Dutton, Justin Peck, Ben Rich, Alex Rich, Doug Young, Ishan, Shaler Campbell, Akhil Dua, and Manile Wason), my Scoutmaster Peter Dutton for advice, and Dr. Blueford for giving me the resources to complete my Service Project.  Without your help completing this project would not have been possible.  Thanks again everybody.

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