Building Tool Shed for Classroom

Justin Parker
Troop 154, Fremont

For my eagle project, I helped build a 2 ½’ x 5’ x 8’ shed for Tule Ponds. The inside of the shed has an open area on one half of the shed, and 4 shelves to hold small objects on the other. This process took 6 work days and a total of 115 man hours to complete.Each day I had a task of either completing a wall, painting, or putting in the shelves. The hardest part about the shed was installing the doors as I had to have two people hold up the door while screwing in the doors. Overall, I am very content with how the shed turned out as this was my first time building something from scratch and I am glad that this shed will be of good use in the future.
   cutting and assembly inside walls


The people that helped me with the shed were 4 people from my boy scout troop and 2 of my cousins. They were able to come on time at around 10-11:00 am and were able to get things done. I told them the plan for each day and we were able to reach the goal and ultimately complete the shed. They took each day seriously and were on task the majority of the time, but we did reach our end goal, which was finishing the shed.

                    putting pieces together finishing touches


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