Trail Loop in Canopy
Jeffery Zhang
Troop 449, Fremont

For my eagle project, I built a trail in Tule Ponds with stairs and wood chips. During my first work party, my team worked on cutting trees, taking them out, and removing brush. For this day, we had used a donated chainsaw to catalyze our removing of the trees. We also used power tools, pitchforks, and various other tools to remove the Himalayan blackberry and other types of brush. During my second work party, my team worked on implementing about ten to fifteen wood logs into the hill to serve as stairs. They were pounded down and then watered to be stabilized. Afterword, we used the wheelbarrow to bring the wood chips and fill the trail to prevent regrowth.

area before

clearing area

I was blessed with many helpers from my troop and my parents to help me with my work parties.  My parents helped me taking me places for the project and supported me throughout the endeavor. They helped physically to take pictures, removing trees with power tools that youth were not allowed to use, etc. My troop had many enthusiastic scouts that were able to do the work alongside me. For the first work party, Rick Vera, Hugo Vera, Ricky Vera, Daniel Chen, Trent Quach, Hongjun Ouyang, Jiqing Zhang, Kyle Machalowski, Carmen Machalowski and I worked on the trailblazing. For the second work party, Michael Knight, David Zhang, Hongjun Ouyang, and Kyle Machalowski and I worked on the stair building. I would also like to thank Cresco Rentals, Costco, and Vacy’s Donuts for their generous donations to my project.


brush is very thick part of cleared area

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