Applied Science
to review 8 week unit


1. Which numbered line in the graph above represent a fast moving object compared to time?

A. I

2. How many students were sick in February?

A. 20
B. 10
C. 5
D. 25

3. The force that resists motion of objects on land is called:

A. velocity
B. friction
C. electromagnetism
D. acceleration

4. A book can be pushed across glass with less force than across a bed. The force that causes this difference is:

A. friction
B. velocity
C. electromagnetism
D. acceleration

5. When you throw a ball up in the air, it comes back to the ground. This is because of:

A. gravity
B. friction
C. weight
D. centrifugal force

6. Which of the following examples is aerodynamically designed?

A. Basketball

B. Football

C. Ping Pong

D. Soccer

7. Interpret the following graph. What point is it trying to make?

8. Gravity affects just about everything on which planet?

A. Jupiter
B. Mercury
C. Earth
D. Neptune

9. Motion in the Universe affects:

A. Planets
B. Electrons
C. Galaxies
D. all of the above

10. What is the difference between gravity on Earth and gravity on the Moon?

11. To live in space, scientists and engineers must design a living space that takes into consideration:

A. lack of gravity
B. generation of an artificial atmosphere
C. disposal of wastes
D. all of the above

12. Circle the items that greatly affect a glider.

A. gravity
B. fuel
C. wind
D. electromagnetism
E. strong nuclear reaction
F. weak nuclear reaction

13. Circle the items that greatly affect an airplane.

A. fuel
B. friction
C. gravity
D. electromagnetism
E. strong nuclear reaction
F. weak nuclear reaction

14. The motion of fluid includes the study of:

A. air and water
B. water and solids
C. soil and rain
D. air and solids

ANSWERS: 1.(D); 2.(A); 3.(B); 4.(A); 5.(A); 6.(B); 7. population increased until 1970 then slowly decreased; 8.(C); 9.(D); 10. there is microgravity on the Moon compared to the Earth; 11.(D); 12.(A,C); 13.(A,B,C); 14. A

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