Rock Cycle - Rocks (3A)
Post Lab 

  • Writing a creative essay on igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
  • Constructing a fictional story using characteristics of a particular rock.
  • igneous
  • metamorphic
  • sedimentary

Students write a creative essay on rocks.


A myth is a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some superhuman being, or an alleged person or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation. A folk tale or legend is a myth originated by one group of people. The story becomes part of their oral tradition.

Stories about landscape caused by different rock structures are found throughout the world. In Hawaii, the volcano becomes a mythical object caused by the wrath of several "gods." In ancient Greek and Rome, you had many of their myths built on the fire of volcanoes. Native cultures from Mexico and the United States had stories around the rocks formed from volcanoes. "Apache tears" tells of a story of an Indian warrior who lost his love, and he cried tears of obsidian.

Rocks form wondrous patterns, whether associated with weathering (sedimentary rocks) or with the original flows (igneous rocks). How they become so awesome, remains the source of many legends.

  1. In this activity, the students will write their own myth, folk tale or legend dealing with one of the rocks that they observed during the lab. You may want to give the students the following background information to help them get their imaginations "in gear." Instruct the students to write a paragraph-length story about one of the rocks that they observed during the lab.
  2. Before they write, you may wish to read the book Boat Ride with Lillian Two Blossom to the students. In the story, a fantastical boat ride sweeps the children Will and Mabel and their goat Banana Joe up into the sky. Their guide, the surprising Lillian Two Blossom explains where the sun, wind, and rain come from. A wonderful skyward adventure is a classic child’s dream. The wise Lillian is the perfect guide. Although this book is not specifically
  3. In addition, to stimulate their writing, you may wish to tell the students some or all of the characteristics of the lab specimens given below.

    SERPENTINITE - The name is derived from the green mottled, serpent-like color.
    - Little bits of other rock have been cemented by Mother Nature.
    - Baked and cooled deep inside the Earth, it rises to form large mountains.
    - Mother Nature sat on this rock and squished it.
    - The mud that the clam lived in at one time became hard. The rock rose out of the sea and became a rock.
    - Small, little particles of mud that settled out of the water and were cemented together by Mother Nature.
    - Indians used the sharp, blade like edges for arrowheads.
    - A volcano erupted violently. A red rock formed from the explosion.
    - An artist needs a rock so he/she can carve it into a statue. The artist picks marble.
    - A gas explosion from a volcano produced a rock that is light and fluffy and full of holes.

  4. Use the worksheet to help guide your students to write a creative essay on the prince and the rock.

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