Rock Cycle - Rocks (1A)
Post Lab 

  • Discovering where rocks form.
  • Comparing environments where rocks are created.
  • igneous
  • metamorphic
  • sedimentary
  • none

Students color a worksheet on the three types of rocks.


There are many different types of igneous rocks. However, they all were once melted and have since cooled down. Igneous rocks look different because of two factors: (1) they are cooled at different rates and (2) the "Mother" Magma (original melted rock)was different. These two factors create many different types of igneous rocks.

Sedimentary rocks are formed in 2 major ways: (1) clastic material (pieces of other rocks or fragments of skeletons) cemented together, and (2) chemical means (usually precipitation). Usually sedimentary rocks are associated with water (erosion, settling, and cemented together). However, other sedimentary environments include wind erosion, and glacial movement.

Metamorphic rocks were either igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks that were changed. They were changed by great pressures and temperatures inside the earth. The temperatures were not enough to melt the rock, otherwise it would be igneous. The pressures were not enough to break the rock, otherwise it would be sedimentary. The conditions were just enough to change the chemical make up of the rock by forcing the elements to "exchange partners".


Introduce the terms igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks.. Concentrate especially on the environments of each type of rock. Explain that igneous rocks are "hot" rocks; sedimentary rocks are "cool or wet" rocks; and metamorphic rocks are "changed" rocks.

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