Rock Cycle - Past Life (4)
Pre Lab 

  • Exploring the meaning of fossils.
  • Reconstructing fossil organisms
  • fossil
  • reconstruction
  • sedimentary
  • worksheet

Students use skeletal remains to reconstruct fossil organisms.


Evolution is the documented change in organisms, leading to the creation of new species, through time. Evolution is a non-reversible process. For example, dinosaurs will never exist again. Present day evolutionary theories are based not only from biochemical data from living organisms, but also from the remains of organisms preserved as fossils in rocks. Discoveries about the details of the evolutionary process continue, but the basic accuracy of the theory is not in doubt.

The chance that an organism will be preserved as a fossil is low. Geological processes such as erosion, weathering, sedimentation, and leaching constantly "attack" the fossil, which may destroy the fossil before anyone sees it.

There are two main types of fossil preservation. Most common is fossil preservation with alteration; the original organic material is partially to fully changed into new material. There are several types of preservation with alteration:

  1. carbonization, a chemical reaction where water transforms the organic material of plant or animal to a thin film of carbon. Nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen are driven off as gases, leaving an outline of the organism. Organisms often preserved by carbonization include fish, leaves and the woody tissues of plants.
  2. permineralization or petrifaction takes place in porous materials such as bones, plants and shells. The material is buried; later, groundwater percolates through its pore spaces. A solution, commonly supersaturated in either calcium carbonate or silica, precipitates minerals in the spaces. The original wood or shell like material preserved.
  3. recrystallization changes the internal physical structure of a fossil. Recrystallization changes the microstructure of the original minerals; they often reform as larger crystals. The composition of the mineral does not change, only the crystal structure. For example, many shells originally composed of calcium carbonate in the form of the mineral aragonite recrystallize into the more stable form of calcium carbonate called calcite.
  4. replacement involves the complete removal of original hard parts by solution and deposition of a new mineral in its place. The Petrified Forest in Arizona is an excellent example of this type of preservation. Here the original organic material (wood) has been wholly replaced by silica.

The second type of fossil creation is direct preservation, the preservation of fossils without alteration. The most common directly preserved fossils are unaltered hard parts of a living organism, like shells, teeth, and bones. This material is unchanged, except for the removal of less stable organic matter. Other examples of this type of preservation include fossil corals, shells, sponges, microscopic fossils and a host of other organisms with hard parts. In rare circumstances, preservation of the soft parts of an organism may occur.

Paleontologists can also study past life using indirect evidence about how the organisms lived. Types of indirect evidence include molds and casts, tracks and trails, burrows and borings, and coprolites.

The formation of a mold and cast is a very common type of indirect preservation. After the remains of an organism have been buried and cemented withing sediment, water percolating through the sediment leaches out the fossil. This leaves a cavity in the rock, called a mold. A cast then forms when the mold is filled up with another substance. In some cases minerals such as calcite or quartz precipitate in the mold; elsewhere loose sediment may fill it up. The formation of a cast is similar to putting jello in a mold; when you remove the mold, you are actually eating the cast of the mold.

The other types of indirect evidence are collectively called trace fossils. A trace fossil gives a paleontologist some evidence of the organism’s behavior. There are three main types of trace fossils. Tracks and trails are produced by an organism walking, crawling, foraging, or resting. For example, dinosaur tracks provide information about how large the dinosaur was, how fast it walked, and whether it walked alone or in a group. Burrows and borings are the tunnels or burrows left by organism digging into the ground, either on land or underwater. This may indicate whether the animal was feeding, dwelling, or just foraging. Finally, coprolites are fossilized animal excrements. They give some indication of the structure of the animal’s gut, and sometimes provide clues to its diet.

  1. Discuss with students what fossils tell us about that organism. The remains of organisms tell us about what it was and how it lived. However, think about how organisms live today; they do not live in isolation, but interact with other organisms in their environment. The biological subdiscipline of ecology studies the relationships between communities of organisms, as well as interactions between organisms in their environment. Ecologists must answer a broad range of questions to document ecological relationships. These include:
    1. How does the physical and chemical environment influence the organisms?
    2. How do individuals gather food?
    3. How do individuals occupy living space, and what position of the food chain do they occupy?
    4. How do organisms interact with each other?
    5. How does the community evolve through time?
  2. The physical, chemical and biological properties of communities can limit the distribution and abundance of species. Limiting factors can include parameters like temperature, salinity of water, oxygen, pH, sunlight, water turbulence, nutrients, substrate, and predator/prey interactions, to name a few.

    Note that this list of factors includes very few items that are recorded in the fossil record. You can illustrate this point by using a fish tank. You might go home and find a few dead fish in your tank. You can then check the temperature of the water, the pH, or other factors and probably determine what caused the fish to die. However, in the fossil record you cannot check many of these parameters. You must rely on the remains of the organisms and from them determine the overall ecology of the community. This is difficult. It would be as if you went on vacation and came home to an empty fish tank. Maybe your fish died while you were gone, and your maid disposed of the fish and drained and cleaned the tank. How would you find out what killed those fish? Was it the temperature, pH, the cat, or was the maid hungry?

    The only source for ecological information on fossil organisms is the rock surrounding the fossil. Sometimes the rock records the environment where the organism lived. This is not always the case, as dead organisms may be transported before they are fossilized. However, if the fossil formed in rocks reflecting its "living" environment, the rocks can be used to make ecological inferences. These include the type of environment, i.e., land vs. ocean, the energy of the environment, and sometimes basic environmental chemistry.

  3. Use the worksheet to have students reinact what the fossil might have looked like as a living organisms. Both of them lived in the ocean, because the legs are modified as fins. Color should be similar to organisms that presently live in the oceans so they would be gray to black

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