Applied Science - Technology (2A)

  • Comparing how machines make less work.
  • Investigating machines that produce energy.


  • force
  • machine
  • work
  • kitchen tools (listed below)
  • everyday simple machines

Students describe common simple machines.


You can lift people, buildings, cars, and heavy rocks. You can cut through metal, and move faster than anyone can run. How can you do all these things? By using machines. Machines can make you stronger and let you move very fast. Machines help make our work much easier.

But what is work? It's whenever you move something from one place to another. Work that is hard requires a lot of force; work that is easy requires less force. 

1 book  little force
box of books little more force
huge box of books a lot more force

What can make work easier? How do you move it? By using a machine (a machine is anything that can help you do work).

  1. Use the simple machines in the module and make stations around the room. At each station students should try to identify the machine. They should also try to describe the simple machine by using the terms: lever, inclined plane, pulley, wedge, wheel and axle, and gears.  Review the Pre Lab.
  2. Have them predict what type of work the machine is making easy.
  3. Answers: (please note, your module only has a few of these items and you may want to include other items)
  • potato peeler - lever; easy to peel potatoes
  • pizza cutter (in kit) - wheel and axle, wedge; easy to cut pizza
  • egg cutter (in kit) - lever, wedge; cut eggs in thin slices easily
  • can opener (in kit) - gear; open can easily
  • spaghetti grabber (in kit) - lever; collect spaghetti by extending human arm
  • toy car - wheel and axle; makes car move
  • nail - wedge; cuts easily into materials by concentrating energy
  • cork screw (in kit)- inclined plane, wedge; easily anchors one material into another
  • clothes pins - wedge, inclined plane, axle; holds up clothes easily

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