
Lesson 3 - Page 4


Oil doesn’t flow like tap water from your kitchen sink. Remember oil may be trapped in some of the pore spaces or fractures. There are several ways in which you can move oil within the reservoir rock. In the diagram "A" illustrates how just water is used so the oil is pushed to the top. The oil can then be easily pumped. In "B" another well is drilled and forces gas to move the oil to the other well. In "C" the lighter gas will push down on the oil aiding in the movement of oil In "D" steam is forced down and pushes the oil up the well.

Simple principles are utilized to produce oil. In this lab you will explore different oils that are commonly available. You will then try and determine the relative densities of the oil. Then using a straw, you will try to extract one of the middle density oils, without mixing all the oils.


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