
Lesson 1 - Page 1



In your kit you have several specimens that illustrate the 5 part symmetry. Have your students compare the top side of each of the echinoderms. The sea star and sea cookie have the star on their top; the sea urchin has 5 rays along the side; and the sea star has 5 arms. Also have them look for the tiny holes in each of the specimens, these are where the tube feet come out. There is also a big hole on the top of each of these specimens, this is where water enters the organisms. On the bottom you should be able to find 2 holes on the sand dollar and the sea cookie. The middle one is where the mouth of the organism is, and the little one is its anus. Echinoderms are more specialized than the other specimens in your kit. They have specialized organs that perform the different tasks for living. The sea urchin in your kit is without spines. The specimen you have would have thin black spines, but they fall off when the organism dies. The sea urchin spine in your kit comes from a different type of sea urchin, different sea urchin species make different types of spines.  Echinoderms live in the marine environment and are mainly bottom dwellers.  They have a characteristics 5 part symmetry.  They also possess a  unique water pumping system that produces the water pressure which allows for the movement of tube feet (if you put on your forearm you can feel the tub feet moving the hairs on your skin as it moves across); they are used for locomotion, food catching and reproduction.

            The students have 4 representatives that illustrate the 5 part symmetry including sea cookie, sea star, sand dollar, and sea urchin.  Have your students compare the top side of each of the echinoderms.  The sea star, sand dollar, and sea cookie have the star on their top; the sea urchin has 5 rays along the side; and the sea star has 5 arms.  Also have them look for the tiny holes in each of the specimens, these are where the tube feet come out.  There is also a big hole on the top of each of these specimens, this is where water enters the organisms.  On the bottom you should be able to find 2 holes on the sand dollar and the sea cookie.  The middle one is where the mouth of the organism is, and the little one is its anus.  Echinoderms are more specialized than the other representatives in your kit.  They have specialized organs that perform the different tasks for living.  The sea urchin in your kit is without spines.  The specimen you have would have thin black spines, but they fall off when the organism dies. The sea urchin spine in your kit comes from a different type of sea urchin, different sea urchin species make different type of spines.


  • live in seawater, mainly bottom dwellers including sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars  
  • have five part symmetry
  • all have internal skeleton
  • unique water pumping system that produces the water pressure which allows for the movement of tube feet (if you put on your forearm you can feel the tub feet moving the hairs on your skin as it moves across); they are used for locomotion, food catching and reproduction.





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