Philosophy K-6         

This unique reference curriculum is based on a research project with children, scientists, and educators in the 1980’s. I. Science MaTe Reference Curriculum shows the development of scientific though in children. Young children learn to discover and describe their scientific encounters. As a child matures they learn to compare past with new experiences. In upper primary students begin to integrate math skills to quantitate their data. Once a child develops these skills they can then interpret results and logically create their own experiments.

Each kindergarten activity is timed for about 30-35 minutes, for a total of 100 minutes per week. First through sixth grades are timed for about 50 minutes each, for a total of 150 minutes per week. Each of the activities can be either shortened or lengthened depending on the needs of individual teachers. Applied Science is 8 weeks, Universe Cycle is 4 weeks, Plate Tectonic Cycle is 4 weeks, Rock Cycle is 6 weeks, Water Cycle is 4 weeks, and Life Cycle is 8 weeks for a total of 34 weeks.

The I. Science MaTe Program uses problem-solving and critical thinking techniques in most labs. Teachers learn the weekly components of the program by reading the Pre Lab, Lab, and Post Lab for the theme of the week. The teachers learn science along with their children if they go through the activities that are suggested. As they go through their specific grade they can customize activities to their needs and the equipment provided by the school. There are many strategies that can make this program an integral part of the curriculum, but the teachers and administrators have to find the recipe that works well for that particular school.


Lesson Plans


Applied Science - Our Technological  World

Universe Cycle - The Search for Our Beginning

Plate Tectonics Cycle - Earth's Moving Force

Rock Cycle - Understanding the Earth's Crust

Water Cycle - The Earth's Gift

Life Cycle - Diversity in a Balance

