
Lesson 2 - Page 3


There are usually 11-12 ribs which form a protective, flexible bony arch around the organs of the circulatory and respiratory organs. The first seven ribs are connected behind the spinal column and in front with the sternum. The remaining five or "false" ribs are attached to the other ribs by cartilage.

The sternum or breastbone is a flat, narrow bone found in the midline of the thorax or chest. The upper part supports the clavicle and anchors seven ribs.

The pelvis is a boney ring at the lower end of the spine and supports the axial skeleton. It also is engineered so the legs can support the upper body in an erect, walking motion.

The sacrum is a large, triangular bone located at the lower part of the spinal column and upper part of the pelvis. The bone is curved which helps the pelvis to have maximum movement.



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