Girl Scout Gold Award Project
Host: Daya Kulkarni

One Step at a Time

building a bathroom and providing Science Curriculum  for children in Haldin, India
November 1, 2014 (Sat)
3-5 pm
donate online


Children's Natural History Museum
4074 Eggers Drive
Fremont, CA 94536   (510)790-6284

My goal is to raise $1300 in order to get these students and teachers bathrooms. With your big and open hearts we can make this project successful and help this school. Please donate! Thank You for you time and patience to read this, I really to appreciate it!


       3:00  -  Tour the Museum’s exhibits
-  speeches
      4:00 -  cultural Bollywood and bharatanatyam dances and other programs
4:30: refreshments

As a child, I learnt that not all people have the basic necessities in life and now as a 15 year old in 11 grade I have the chance to help people receive these needs. In Hubli India, where my grandparents live, there is small school for the poor where about 300 students go to. At this school there is no  bathrooms for neither the students nor the teachers. Living in America we take for granted hygienic precautions, where in this village, they do not have money to pay for the constructions of bathroom facility

all donations are tax deductible, make checks out to Math Science Nucleus

Math/Science Nucleus
 4074 Eggers Drive, Fremont, California, U.S.A., 94536
 (510) 790-6284 Fax: (510) 790-6089